Industry Information

2022 Industry Notifications

2022 Industry Notifications


2022-12-22 - TRF 0037 - Rate Increase for Forborne UNE Analog Loops, and Discontinuation of UNE DS0, UNE DS1 and UNE DS3 Loops - ME,NH,VT
2022-12-21 - TRF 0036 - Rate Increase - TX,PA,IL,CA,ME,NH,VT,MA,NY,FL,GA,AL,MO,KS,OK,WA
2022-12-21 - TRF 0035 - NNE Rate Increase - ME,NH,VT
2022-12-09 - SAM-12092022-01 - Planned System Maintenance 12-10 - ME,NH,VT
2022-12-07 - SAM-12072022-01 - Planned System Maintenance 12-10 - ME,NH,VT
2022-11-18 - SYS 0447 - Consolidated 2023 Provisioning Holidays - All Regions - Revised
2022-11-17 - SON-11172022-01 - Synchronoss VFO Outage - All Regions - Resolved
2022-11-16 - SON-11162022-03 - Synchronoss VFO Outage - All Regions - Update
2022-11-16 - SON-11162022-02 - Synchronoss VFO Outage - All Regions - Update
2022-11-16 - SON-11162022-01 - Synchronoss VFO Outage - All Regions
2022-11-15 - SYS 0446 - Consolidated 2023 Provisioning Holiday Schedule - All Regions
2022-09-16 - PRC 0263 - Voip Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic Effective 9-19 - ME,NH,VT - Reminder
2022-09-16 - SAM-09162022-01 - Planned System Maintenance and ASOG v65 Release 9-19 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-09-12 - SAM-09122022-01 - Planned System Saintenance and ASOG v65 Release 9-19 - All Regions
2022-09-12 - PRC 0262 - Voip Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic Effective 9-19 - ME,NH,VT
2022-08-19 - PRC 0261 - ECCKT Syntax Change for ICSC Codes ET02, MK01 and IO01 - All Regions
2022-08-03 - SYS 0445 - ASOG Version 65 Release 9-16 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-07-25 - SON-07252022-02 - System Outage Notification - All Regions - Resolved
2022-07-25 - SON-07252022-01 - System Outage Notification - All Regions
2022-07-12 - SYS 0444 - ASOG Version 65 Release 9-16 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-07-08 - TRF 0034 - 988 Abbreviated Dialing Foes Live 7/16 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-07-06 - SYS 0443 - ASOG Version 65 Release 9-16 - All Regions
2022-06-30 - SAM-06302022-01 - Unplanned System Maintenance 6-30 - ME,NH,VT
2022-06-24 - SAM-06242022-01 - Planned System Maintenance 6-25 - ME,NH,VT - Reminder
2022-06-22 - SAM-06222022-01 - Planned System Maintenance 6-25 - ME,NH,VT
2022-05-26 - SYS 0442 - Old Synchronoss VFO URL Retired 3-31 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-05-25 - PRC 0260 - Voip Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic - ME,NH,VT - Delayed - Effective 9-19
2022-05-11 - PRC 0259 - VOIP Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic Effective 6-27 - ME,NH,VT
2022-05-10 - SON-05102022-02 - System Outage Notification - All Regions - Resolved
2022-05-10 - SON-05102022-01 - System Outage Notification - All Regions
2022-04-25 - SYS 0441 - LV1 and LV3 Fields in VFO Extending From 10-15 Characters - All Regions - On Hold
2022-04-22 - SAM-04222022 - Planned System Maintenance 4-23 - ME,NH,VT
2022-04-21 - SYS 0440 - LV1 and LV3 Fields in VFO Extending From 10-15 Characters 7-5 - All Regions
2022-04-19 - PRC 0258 - VOIP Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic Effective 6-27 - All Regions
2022-04-12 - PRC 0257 - VOIP Ordering on SPID 383J Systematic Effective 6-27 - All Regions
2022-03-31 - SYS 0439 - Old Synchronoss VFO URLS Retiring on 3/31/22 - All Regions - Reminder
2022-03-18 - SAM-03182022-01 - Planned System Maintenance and ASOG v64 Release 3-21 - All Regions
2022-03-14 - SAM-03142022-01 - Planned System Maintenance and ASOG v64 Release 3-21 - All Regions
2022-03-02 - SYS 0438 - Old Synchronoss VFO URLS Retiring on 3/31/22 - All Regions
2022-02-02 - SYS 0437 - ASOG v64 Release 3/21 - All Regions
2022-01-28 - PRC 0256 - ASR Class of Service Ordering Requirements CA,IA,IL,KS,MN,MO,PA,TX,ND,SD,WI - Delayed
2022-01-14 - PRC 0255 - ASR Class of Service Ordering Requirements CA,IA,IL,KS,MN,MO,PA,TX,ND,SD,WI - Release 1-31
2022-01-12 - SYS 0436 - ASOG v64 Release 3/21 - All Regions
2022-01-06 - SYS 0435 - ASOG v64 Release 3/21 - All Regions












Note: some of the documents on this page were released prior to the acquisition of FairPoint Communications by Consolidated Communications and have been retained here for reference in their original format, including the FairPoint logo.