Your Employees Are Your Best Defense Against Cyber Threats

Author: Anonym/Monday, November 6, 2017/Categories: Business Security Services

Your investment in information security means nothing if your employees are not on board or are unaware of your company’s cyber security policies. You could have the latest state-of-the-art technology, or you could have invested thousands of dollars in cyber security with software and hardware to protect your network from cyber threats, but all it takes is a lack of awareness of potential threats or human error to send your system reeling.

A recent survey by CompTIA found that human error is the root cause of security breaches 52 percent of the time.


Employees can potentially cause security risks to your information network through simple human errors, such as:

• Failing to update anti-virus software

• Designing passwords that are not secure

• Using devices, such as laptops and other mobile devices, for system access when those devices are not properly secured

• Becoming victims of phishing/social engineering attacks

• Surfing the web and downloading files that could contain viruses, malware, or Trojans

First Line of Defense Against Cyber threats

Many companies don’t realize the threat that human error plays in keeping their information systems safe. Instead, they focus more on investing in technological tools, such as firewalls and multi-layered security solutions, to address concerns of malware and other information security threats. Yet, major security breaches are still occurring at a rapid rate as hackers find new vulnerabilities to circumvent these tools.

Your employees are your company’s first line of defense against cyber threats. While threats are continually growing and becoming more malicious, being aware of risks can lessen the potential for disaster for your company. Therefore, providing your employees with security awareness training is crucial to protecting your critical data.

Creating a Culture of Security

Keeping your company’s data secure is a company-wide responsibility. This means that you will need to create a culture of security. And to be successful, it needs to begin with a buy-in from your senior leaders. All employees – at every level, from the top down – require a basic understanding of your company’s cybersecurity policies and what their responsibilities are.

Training is an Ongoing Process

Employees who have higher levels of responsibilities with managing information security will require more training than those who have minimal contact with data. Your security awareness program should also be included as part of every new employee orientation. A one-time presentation to make employees aware of your company’s information security policies and learn the basics is a good way to start, but it is not enough. Training needs to be a continuing process that reinforces your policies and keep employees informed about ever-evolving threats.

Reinforcing what your employees have learned through your security awareness sessions is key to continued adherence to your information security policies. Providing incentives and rewarding employees that improve their security behavior is a great way to keep your employees interested. These efforts will serve as encouragement for other employees to also practice good security behaviors. Share comparisons of before and after results demonstrating how good security behavior has improved the security of your network and show employees that their efforts are working.

When beginning your security awareness program, it is a good idea to work with an expert to design a program that will work best for your company and lessen the potential for human errors.

Learn more about how you can strengthen your threat defense by contacting Consolidated Communications.



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