Safety is our #1 Priority.
Employees are the cornerstone of our success and safety remains a top priority. Consolidated Communications is committed to providing a healthy, safe and productive work environment for all employees and customers. As we strive to fulfill our mission to turn technology into solutions, connect people and enrich how our customers work and live, our employees’ commitments and positive attitudes towards safety and safe practices at work and at home is integral to our success.
An effective safety culture prospers through personal accountability, collaboration and embracing innovative ideas. The work of the Safety and Risk Management group ensures all employees are trained in emergency procedures so at the time of an emergency all employees can respond without hesitation or undue stress.
In collaboration with eight established regional safety committees, the Safety and Risk Management group assesses job-related hazards, corrects deficiencies and develops updated policies and training for all employees.
Our risk management team continually evaluates employee injuries to determine the root cause. Strains and sprains are a leading cause of injuries for Consolidated employees. Continued emphasis on engineering and administrative controls to lessen this trend is a goal for the company. In conjunction with an initiative to source ultra-light weight ladders, field operations teams are evaluating new tools to lift manhole cover lids, and prevent injuries related to this work task.
By enforcing safe and responsible work habits in the field, on the road and at the office, we benefit the communities and neighborhoods we serve and help to make them better places to live and work. Moreover, a sincere commitment to safety at all levels of the company supports our vision to be the preferred choice for communication solutions.
We prohibit unlawful discrimination and protect against behavior that creates an offensive, hostile, or intimidating work environment. We work to create a safe, healthy and secure workplace where employees are able to do their jobs without fear of harassment or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or any factor prohibited by law, or which violates our workplace policies or procedures. Physical harm or threats, direct or implied, and illegal acts of harassment, including sexual harassment, are a violation of the Consolidated Communications Code of Conduct and are not tolerated.
In 2023, recurring yearly certifications for mandatory workplace harassment trainings for employees and leaders were maintained within the company’s online employee training system. We have a strong, ongoing commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace and to ensuring employees are properly trained and have appropriate safety and emergency equipment. We provide employees with quarterly virtual training, including general environmental health and safety training, harassment training and relevant job-related, instructor-led training on hazards they may experience. In 2023 employees completed more than 29,000 safety and human resource compliant training modules.
As part of the company’s overall Corporate Safety Policy, protocols are in place for important areas, including injuries and accidents, head and eye protection, personal protective equipment, safety vests, insulated electrical gloves and blankets, potentially hazardous spills and safe use of company vehicles.
To flex up staffing during our ongoing fiber expansion, we routinely work with contractors to help meet our customers’ needs. To ensure the safety of our employees, customers and our communities, we’ve expanded our Code of
Safety Practices to include contractors and subcontractors. Part of this plan includes unannounced on-site safety checks performed by our Risk Teams to ensure contractors operate in compliance with our rigorous protocols.
More information on our efforts and initiatives to ensure a
safe, healthy and secure workplace are available in
Consolidated's 2023 ESG Report.