Transfer Consolidated service wherever you move



Check if service is available at your new location

Go to our Consolidated internet page and select your state and city to find out if service is available at your new location. Also check out our Fidium Fiber internet site to see if you qualify for fiber internet from Fidium.


Call us to schedule your move

Call us at to schedule installation at your new address (schedule up to 30 days in advance). Have your account number handy.


Complete your move

We'll install your services at your new address and disconnect service at your previous location. Start enjoying your new service!


Delivering gigabit speeds to more homes than ever before

We're bringing dependable Internet service to more areas across the country. Our Consolidated Fiber Internet coverage is growing, delivering gigabit speeds to more homes than ever before. And we're proud to introduce Fidium Fiber internet, offering Fiber Internet services to residences in California, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas and Vermont.

As we connect more communities, Consolidated is fulfilling the demand for affordable, reliable Internet and we’ll be expanding our reach within additional Consolidated markets in the future.


Consolidated Service Area Map

Fidium Fiber internet Service Area Map

Have questions about moving? We’ve got answers.

Do I have to cancel and sign up again?

No. Once our customer service representatives determine that you can move your service to your new address, we will initiate a transfer of service.

Do I have to pay to transfer my service to a new address?

No. With Consolidated there are no contracts, no early termination fees and you get free professional installation.

How does moving affect my services and equipment?

Offers vary by area, but if you can’t keep your current plan, you can shop for new offers.

You may be able to bring your equipment with you. If you’re receiving new equipment at your new address, our technicians will pick up your old equipment at your new location, or we may send you a shipping label to mail the equipment back to Consolidated. But don’t worry, our customer service representatives will help you with the process.

If you’re moving to an area where Consolidated does not provide service, just return your equipment before you move. We will send you a shipping label to mail the equipment back to Consolidated.

Remember to check if you can get Fidium Fiber internet at your new home. Go to our Fidium Fiber Locations page to check if service is available at your new address. Or, the customer service representative can check for you when you call to relocate. If Fidium is not available, we may be able to provide a timeline for when Fidium is coming to your new area.

How does moving affect my bill?

If you move within a Consolidated service area, you can keep your Consolidated account and continue paying your bill in a variety of ways, including AutoPay. You may also want to ask about any upgrades or new service offerings that may be available. Call the number listed above to find out more.

How quickly can I move my service?

Generally we can move services within a few days of your request. We do suggest that when you know where and when you are going to need the service moved, call us within 30 days of your move. We will then be able to process your move order request and give you the soonest date that we can install the service at your new location or schedule it to be installed on a date you prefer.

What if there’s time between when I move out and move in?

You won’t be billed for any gaps in service.

What if I don’t see Consolidated service at my address?

Before you cancel service with Consolidated, make sure to check if you can get Fidium Fiber internet at your new address. Go to our Fidium Fiber Locations page to check if service is available at your new location. If you can get Fidium service, a Consolidated customer service representative will help you transfer your services from Consolidated to Fidium. You can also transfer service online at!