What is Outlook Web App (OWA)?
The Outlook Web App (OWA) allows you to access your Hosted Exchange email and calendar from any computer that has Internet access via a Web browser.
To access OWA:
- In a web browser type owa.com. i.e. owa.democci.com
- Enter your full email address and password and click Sign In.

For information on getting started click on the following link.
Getting Started in Outlook Web App
Once logged in you will be presented with the Mail screen.

Outlook Web App Help
Click on the Help icon (?) on the top right of your screen to access the complete Outlook Web App Help Guide. The guide will take you to the help section related to the current screen you are on. For example, if you are in your calendar and you click on help (?) you will be brought directly to the Calendar section of the Help Guide.

You can always search for any topic from any screen.
For more details on getting started click the below link or go to https://support.office.com
Getting Started in Outlook Web App