Internet gadget security

Your home has just experienced a data breach. It wasn’t from a neighbor stealing wireless internet. It wasn’t from a hacker accessing your Netflix account. It was from your smart razor. Sound far-fetched?
It’s not.
According to May 2018 report by Forbes, cyber thieves were able to gain entry into more than 100 million home automation systems because they discovered a system vulnerability in a smart razor called the Z-Wave.
The Internet of Things (IoT) may let you network multiple devices together, including your smartphone, television, and home automation systems, but it also increases the risk that hackers could breach a single device and access your entire network. This booming market, which Statista projects will reach $470 billion market revenue by 2020, is forecasted to ship more than 90 million units into homes by the end of 2018. In other words, the threat of cyber theft in IoT devices is growing.
Here’s what you need to know about securing your IoT devices.