Whether your company faced a PR crisis or a cyberattack that resulted in the theft of sensitive customer information, it’s crucial for a business to respond to a crisis immediately and openly.
HubSpot customer relationship management software bloggers identify five different types of business crises your company might face:
- Financial (such as a drop in stock prices or asset valuation)
- Personnel-related (such as diversity & inclusion issues caused by an individual, department, or group in the organization)
- Organizational (often stems from exploiting consumers or not acting in their best interests)
- Technological (such as a cyberattack resulting in a data breach)
- Natural (such as destruction of your physical headquarters)
If you’re fighting back from a natural disaster, you can win your customer base back simply by providing the same customer service, responsiveness, and offerings you did before the crisis. Most of your recovery will take place internally, notably the rebuilding of your physical location and the technology that keeps your business running. A natural crisis, however, will often create additional financial, organizational, and technological crises. Your business must gather its forces to respond to each of these threats in the best way possible. Learn more.