What is UCAAS? What You Need to Know About Unified Communications as a Service

Woman calling to learn about what is Ucaas

UCaaS compiles several tools, like VoIP, instant messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing, into a single platform to streamline communication between people. While UC has been around for a while, UCaaS is constantly growing since people have easier access to cloud-based services everywhere. If you’re still wondering what UCaaS is, we’ll help you define UCaaS. Learn more.

Thursday, April 18, 2024/Author: Kelley Donald - MarCom/Number of views (257)/Comments (0)/

The Digital Superintendent: How to Use Technology to Create a Thriving School District

Digital school principals and tech-savvy superintendents lead with innovation, encouraging teacher leadership, maximizing social presence and fostering professional learning networks to strengthen the expertise of their schools and districts. In addition to day-to-day work complexities, superintendents must navigate ever-changing and significant technological transformations. They need specialized advisors to help bypass the complexities surrounding successful district-level technology leadership strategies and goals. Implementing new technology in schools will increase engagement, collaboration, inclusion, productivity and creativity in virtual textbooks and online courses. Learn more.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024/Author: Anonym/Number of views (966)/Comments (0)/