The Digital Superintendent: How to Use Technology to Create a Thriving School District

Digital school principals and tech-savvy superintendents lead with innovation, encouraging teacher leadership, maximizing social presence and fostering professional learning networks to strengthen the expertise of their schools and districts. In addition to day-to-day work complexities, superintendents must navigate ever-changing and significant technological transformations. They need specialized advisors to help bypass the complexities surrounding successful district-level technology leadership strategies and goals. Implementing new technology in schools will increase engagement, collaboration, inclusion, productivity and creativity in virtual textbooks and online courses. Learn more.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024/Author: Anonym/Number of views (967)/Comments (0)/

Change the Way You Do Business with Unified Communications as a Service

Have you considered how unified communications as a service (UCaaS) can help your business? As more employees work remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic — and some may continue working from home even when it’s deemed safe to reopen office buildings — unified communications (UC) can help your team work remotely more effectively and be more productive. Learn More.

Monday, June 1, 2020/Author: Kelley Donald - MarCom/Number of views (6256)/Comments (0)/

Protect Your Organization from Threats - Change Your Voicemail Password

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued an advisory!

Simple passwords like 1111 can be easily hacked, and you might have valuable minutes being taken away from your plan, or charged for long distance. The sad part is, you realize it only much later, after the damage has been done.

Read further to prevent your voicemail from being hacked


Wednesday, August 3, 2016/Author: Julie Wills - MarCom/Number of views (7459)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Business VoIP
Tags: Voicemail

Hosted VoIP: Talking in the Cloud

Consolidated Communications provides VoIP support for company technical support needs. Providing capabilities including VoIP experience, a qualified and experienced engineer team, VoIP certifications, an established platform, feature-rich offerings, and wide geographic coverage, Consolidated Communications is a name you can trust. Analyzing current growth, predicting future needs, proactive planning, and working with an established vendor capable of providing a wealth of services and a platform capable of meeting your current and coming requirements will benefit your company and growing VoIP demands. Contact Consolidated Communications today!

Friday, April 18, 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (8569)/Comments (0)/
Categories: Business VoIP