Tips for Making the Best Out of Working from Home

Author: Kelley Donald - MarCom/Monday, April 6, 2020/Categories: Business Internet

Whether you’ve decided to launch a work-from-home business after being laid off or you’re lucky enough to keep your job, albeit  working remotely, during the COVID-19 pandemic, no doubt it’s been a transition — both physically and mentally.

Some people love the freedom of showing up to work in their jammies or sitting in a comfy chair of their choosing while they work. Others prefer the structure of an office and the companionship of co-workers. If you’re one of the many working from home right now, you may not have a choice. Follow these tips to make the best of your new work experience.

Maintain a Schedule

Many remote workers struggle with work/life separation. They check their email during dinner or keep working late into the night. It’s all too easy to get absorbed into a lifestyle where you are constantly working — especially if you are practicing self-isolation or are quarantined during the pandemic and have nowhere to go or nothing better to do.

If your employer mandates a specific schedule, such as maintaining the same 9-to-5 you kept before the pandemic, stick to it. Don’t work before or after those hours. And make sure you take your lunch break and a few short breaks where you get up and stretch, talk to loved ones, or even Skype with your best friend.  

Get Dressed for Work

Some people feel more productive if they wake up, shower, and get dressed for remote work the same way they would if they were driving to their office. As a bonus, if you get dressed in work clothes, you won’t have to scramble to prep for an impromptu video conference.

Set Up a Separate Work Space

One way to maintain a work/life separation is to create a separate workspace. You may even treat yourself to a new desk and chair to celebrate your new working-from     -home lifestyle. Having a separate area — whether it’s a whole room or just a corner — can also help minimize distractions.

Use Your “Work Stomach”

When you’re at work, you don’t visit the vending machines or hit the breakroom snack stash every 30 minutes, do you? Resist the temptation to eat constantly while you’re working from home. To quell the urge to snack, keep a water bottle near your desk and set a goal to drink appropriate amounts of water throughout the day.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

CCI business customers who have taken advantage of our business broadband and business phone deals gain access to 24/7 tech support. If you’re having issues connecting to your company’s virtual private network (VPN) or need help with the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity tools, help is only a phone call away. Don’t be afraid to ask for the support you need from your IT team or your superiors.

Set Clear Boundaries with Family Members

Speaking of asking for help, let your family members know what you need them to do to support your remote work endeavors. Maybe your spouse needs to take over homeschooling children who are now doing distance learning during the pandemic. Maybe you need quiet during conference calls. Or maybe you want your work breaks to include meals with family. Whatever you need, speak up.

Communicate with Your Supervisors

Likewise, let your supervisors know what you need to do your job effectively from home. CCI Business broadband customers gain access to 24/7 tech support, the Microsoft 365 Office Suite, hosted email, and an array of other business tools. Make sure you have access to what you need so you can access work files and also ensure the safety and security of company data through your  home business Wifi connection.

Use the Time You Previously Spent Commuting Wisely

You may have gained an hour or more per day now that you don’t have to commute to your office. Can you use the time to reach out to family members you don’t speak to often? Play a board game with your kids? Take up a hobby or learn a new language?

Life is frustrating right now with most Americans stuck at home, but it’s important to make the best of the situation by doing the things that bring us joy.

Find What Works For You

For every remote      worker who feels more productive in business clothes, there is another who would rather stay in yoga pants and a t-shirt all day. Some people are night owls and are using their work-from-home time as an opportunity to get things done when they feel most productive. Many people want to keep their work and home life separate, but others have found ways to integrate their work into daily living in a way that makes them feel more productive and successful.

If you’re homeschooling children at this time, you may need to shift schedules in a way that works for your family. Remember, many Americans right now are facing challenges we’ve never expected. Give yourself some leeway if everything doesn’t go perfectly. You are doing your best and that’s what matters.

Here at CCI, we are striving to make it easy for business owners and remote workers by providing the  business ISP tools they need to stay productive.


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