Employees selected organization to receive special donation in recognition of Company’s 125th anniversary
Lufkin, TEXAS. – June 17, 2019 – Today, Consolidated Communications (NASDAQ: CNSL), a leading broadband and business communications provider, awarded a special donation of $1,250 to Lufkin Community Partners Rainbow Room, a Texas organization providing children’s clothing, diapers, baby wipes shoes, toys, hygiene items, cleaning supplies and more at no cost to families working with Child Protective Services.
Consolidated Communications (CCI) is marking its 125th year in 2019 by presenting a special gift of $1,250 each month to nonprofit organizations across its service areas. Company employees vote to determine which organization receives the donation, and the gifts are made in addition to the company’s annual giving contributions within its markets.
Consolidated employees Penny Miller and Chris Copenhaver present a check to Tammi Axelson, Sandi Whiteman and Crystal Bonner from Lufkin Community Partners Rainbow Room (L to R).
“We’re pleased to support the Rainbow Room in recognition of Consolidated Communications’ 125 years of serving customers,” said Darlene Kee, senior director – employee relations for Consolidated Communications. “In Texas, we have a long history of supporting organizations that work so hard to improve the lives of everyone living in our community. Our employees give generously of their own time and talents, working within our communities. Our employees have a deep commitment to Lufkin Community Partners Rainbow Room, having held fundraisers and supply drives for the organization. We appreciate the crucial need the Rainbow Room addresses, helping the many children and families being served by Child Protective Services.”
“The Rainbow Room is a nonprofit run by Lufkin Community Partners,” said Tammi Axelson, president of Lufkin Community Partners. “We serve children who are involved in or victims of abuse and neglect by providing them with all the emergency resources they need, from clothes and shoes to car seats and beds. We make sure they have everything they need to be safe. Thank you so much for your support, Consolidated”
Throughout the year, Consolidated Communications employees will vote on additional organizations to receive a special contribution in recognition of the company’s anniversary. Contributions already have been awarded to nonprofits in Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Florida.
About Consolidated Communications
Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CNSL) is a leading broadband and business communications provider serving consumers, businesses, and wireless and wireline carriers across rural and metro communities and a 23-state service area. Leveraging an advanced fiber network spanning 37,000 fiber route miles, Consolidated Communications offers a wide range of communications solutions, including: high-speed Internet, data, phone, security, managed services, cloud services and wholesale, carrier solutions. From our first connection 125 years ago, Consolidated is dedicated to turning technology into solutions, connecting people and enriching how they work and live. Visit www.consolidated.com for more information.